OK, so my life does not do well in a relaxed state, and well, neither does my family. But I happen to like the chaos that I live in, it makes me aware of how we are always teetering on the brink of insanity, and in all seriousness, there are days when you just need to pick up a drink and embrace it with a smile.
For days like these, I like to drink. Just sit and watch my mini people with a glass of wine in my hand. Or a shot of Patron, depending on how crazy it really is...
But not today. Today I will prepare for tomorrow. Today, I prepare Sangria.
Remember a few posts back how I mentioned that Mia goes to the greatest pre-school ever? As in the history of the universe? Yes? OK, so I've decided that I will start a family group, for all the parents who take their kids to this wonderful place of rainbows, unicorns and learning. Invitations have been sent for a play date and tomorrow is the big day. People are bringing all kinds of food. I am *gasp* providing drinks. I hope they end up liking me.
So, for the Sangria you will need:
1 large bottle of Sangria style wine. I like Carlo Rossi.
1 cup of spiced rum
1/2 cup of Grand Marnier
1 can of cocktail fruits (drained of the syrup they come in, I usually don't use the entire can)
2 large apples + any other fruit you like, I usually add oranges in thin slices, but I didn't have any today....
1/2 cup of sugar, I didn't have white so I used brown
1 cup of water
3 or 4 cloves
3 Cinnamon sticks
1 or 2 Bottles of Ginger Ale
In a small pot combine the water, sugar, cloves and Cinnamon.
Put it on high heat, let it come to a rolling boil.
Then lower temperature, and let continue to boil uncovered for about 15 mins. Let cool completely
Peel and chop your fruit into small pieces
Place in the bottom of a large container
Pour the wine on top of your fruit
Add the liquor (both the rum and Grand Marnier) and syrup (completely cooled)
Let chill for no less than 4 hours, best if overnight.
Transfer to a nice pitcher and to serve, pour over 1/2 glass of ice cold Ginger Ale.
Aaaaahhhhhhhhh!!! SO refreshing! What? What was that?? Oh, You're welcome! :)
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